Arduino, ESP32, 3D-Druck, LED-Streifen, Coding uvm.

Arduino, ESP32 & Co.: Crimp Your Own Jumper Cables – A Crimping Pliers Tutorial
The Art of Crimping! Here I show you step by step how to make your own jumper cables for Arduino, ESP32 and Co. – with a suitable crimping tool and some stranded wire you already have the most important materials.
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Power supply for Arduino and ESP32: operate microcontroller with PC power supply & LED power supply unit
Today I will show you all the different ways you can power up your Arduino, ESP32 or ESP8266 – which ports and pins can be used and what to take care of. Then I will show you two power supply setups if you need a little bit more amperes.
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18. Feb 2021
Arduino & ESP32 programming with PlatformIO and Visual Studio Code
The Arduino development environment can do nothing, and that’s a good thing. Because this development environment was meant to keep the entry barrier into microcontroller programming as simple as possible and not to overwhelm the newbie with too many functions. I admit, I am a professional developer. And I am missing some features in the Arduino development environment that make
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Arduino VS ESP32: Feature comparison and first steps with the Arduino IDE
The Arduino can’t do anything and is way too expensive! What my favorite alternative is and why we still have to love the Arduino, I tell you in this article. I also show how to load a program to an Arduino UNO and to an ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. If I claim that the Arduino can do nothing, then this
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What does it actually look like at Ray's house? What technology do I use for my videos? Which tools for making. Here are a few insights ...
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