A digital quote calendar – on steroids!This digital quote frame is based on a RIBBA picture frame from Ikea. It contains an ESP32 microcontroller which controls an ePaper display.
The display shows randomly or in a fixed order all quotes, sayings, thoughts, mantras etc. that SPRYGGKLOPPA has stored.
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Sometimes QUOTEFRAME might be referenced as SPRYGGKLOPPA. This is the german IKEA-like name for this project I use on my german RAYDIY website.
The texts can be edited via a WLAN connection. To do this, simply switch QUOTEFRAME to configuration mode, log in to the picture frame with your smartphone or laptop and then add, edit or remove quotes.
Read the building instructions
The configuration mode is activated via a touch sensor area on the picture frame (for example as shown in the picture). Just touch the sensor and QUOTEFRAME restarts itself in configuration mode.
Read the building instructions
- Texts are edited, added or deleted via a WLAN connection.
- automatic text formatting and centering of the sayings
- three different fonts that are randomly selected
- freely adjustable text cycle: one new saying per month, day, hour etc.
- battery operation
- a QR code makes it easy to connect to the photo frame
- import and export function
Ideas for Use
Over time, a few nice ideas for the use of QUOTEFRAME have emerged:
- Wedding gift: each guest writes their wishes/greetings in the frame. This way the bride and groom have a greeting from their guests every day (usually done with postcards).
- Families often write down their sprouts' banger quotes - perfect for grandma & grandpa.
- Mindfulness reminders (big on trend right now), affimations, leitmotifs, vocabulary, and more.
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